Hey Kiddos!

Wow, it's been an interesting last few weeks since the registration lottery began, and we've started to see things settle, so we're at a point where we thought you'd might like to see how the convention is growing!

Before we break down the numbers, let’s take a small step back. To summarize, for BFC® 2024, we increased the number of attendee slots from 500 to 550 in addition to adding another day to our convention schedule. This of course meant an increase into our operating budget overall to accommodate for the additional costs, and thus the increase in attendee tier pricing.

Since we are a small and growing convention, the attendee tier prices had to increase in order to allow for us to continue to procure items for the convention for the long haul. This includes additional audio visual equipment, more activities, more equipment for everyone to share, a longer running school and all the things needed to allow us to help grow with the increased number of attendees.  We are still taking our ‘calls for’ programming/panels/DJs/School Teachers/Performances , but feel free to check out a few of our special events !

Just a friendly reminder, BabyFur Con® is run by an all volunteer staff. Our convention operates on a non-profit basis under the 501(c)(3) nonprofit P.A.C.I. None of the staff receives compensation for their efforts. Every penny goes back to our events and community.

We understand registration was different this year compared to last. We always appreciate constructive feedback, and would love to hear your suggestions on how to improve!  Please direct any feedback to our email, crinkle@babyfurcon.com .

Registration Overview & Numbers to date:

Let’s take a look at how registration is shaking out! We have waited to share these numbers with you as they were greatly in flux, until now.

(Numbers current as of 2024-05-14 15:00 PDT)

These numbers won’t equal 550 quite yet for many reasons such as the following, our volunteers still have time to finalize their registration, as do their buddies, some winners drawn in lotteries didn't register, some refunds have been given, some volunteers are also vendors, some vendors won the lottery, some lottery winners used plusone codes, vendors, sponsors, and some programming related attendance numbers have not been finalized, etc.

The goal is to keep providing registration slots to get as close to our capacity as possible on an ongoing weekly basis, and we’ll release any held slots that we have over the coming weeks.

Even once the entire lottery pool has been exhausted the lottery will continue to run to account for refunded registrations and lottery winners who choose not to complete registration (e.g. 42% of lottery #2 plusone codes went unused). Therefore, we expect more registration slots to become available in subsequent lotteries.

We hope these numbers have given you some helpful insight into how the lottery process is unfolding. Remember, the lottery will keep running every Sunday at 5:00 pm PT for any remaining slots. We're truly excited about the prospect of welcoming you to Camp BFC® in September!

The Babyfur Con® Team

2024 'Call for' Programming Available!

Our call for Panels, DJ, Events, Parties, School Programming and Performances are now live!

Click here

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Follow us on BlueSky at babyfurcon.bsky.social

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